The 100 Best Education Blogs on the Internet

Who Are the Top Education Bloggers?

by Will Roby

The 100 Best Education Blogs on the InternetEducation blogs are some of my favorite blogs to read. Generally, teachers, librarians, and educators are some of the better writers in the blog universe, and since research and libraries are near and dear to my heart, I'm always fascinated by the stories and links these bloggers provide.

Here are 100 of the best education blogs online, categorized and with mini reviews. If you can't find the educational tools and stories you're looking for from among these 100 great blogs, you may be out of luck.

Best Education Blogs Written by Teachers

These ten teachers run some of the more entertaining and informative blogs about their careers in education.

  1. Teacher Tom's Blog - A preschool teacher shares his insight on teaching young minds. Describing his work as "teaching and learning from preschoolers," Teacher Tom's blog has won many blogging awards and is one of the more attractive and professional looking blogs on this list. Tom's hundreds of posts go back three years and include valuable lessons on teaching and learning from our youngest students.
  2. Mr. Robbo - A PE teacher blogging since 2008 shares his successess and failures teaching kids to stay active and healthy. As an added bonus, Mr. Robbo seems to be something of a tech geek, and relates his experiences adding a little technology to his otherwise standard PE classes. His selections and reviews of fitness apps are some of the best for teachers in the blogging world.
  3. The Scholastic Scribe - Teacher and blogging and Tweeting junkie Melissa B. shares her thoughts and experiences on classroom teaching, including occasionally sharing her own student's work. A great blog for teachers looking for prompts and classroom exercises to use in their own classes. Lots of photos and other media dot this active blog, a recent runner-up in EduBlog's best teacher blogs contest.
  4. Think Thank Thunk - The subtitle is: "Dealing with the fear of being a boring teacher," and from the looks of this blog, Think Thank Thunk's author has no reason to worry. The mind behind this blog is so creative, smart, and unique that I'm shocked EduBlog didn't reward Think Thank Thunk in its recent awards series. Nevertheless, I find myself returning to ThThTh (as its author refers to it) for book recommendations, stories from the classroom, and the writer's sass. A definite liberal bias, though that's no shock coming from an American educator.
  5. John T. Spencer's Education ReThink - I don't know why I like Spencer's blog so much. I disagree with nearly everything he blogs. His recent blog on reading strategies is something I whole-heartedly disagree with but found myself fascinated by. Spencer dedicates a big chunk of his blog to interviewing other teachers and providing links to other blogs and teacher resources, and I admire that.
  6. What Ed Said - This collaborative blog by a teacher at the International Baccalaureate PYP school in Melbourne, Australia adds a little world flavor to this otherwise American-centric blogger breakdown.
  7. Aviva Dunsinger's A Primary Blog for the 21st Century - A first and second grade teacher blogs about using 21st century technology in the classroom and the pains and joys of teaching young children.
  8. Blogush - A middle school social studies teacher from Vermont blogs frequently about life in and outside the classroom. A recent post on a student's suicide catapulted this blog into my "must read" list.
  9. Learning is Messy - The author is a technology teacher from Nevada interested in encouraging his students to participate in community service and become comfortable with technology. The blog is regularly updated, well-written, and well-designed.
  10. Donalyn Miller's The Book Whisperer - A teacher with a gift for encouraging even the most stubborn students to read, Miller's blog is equal parts technology reviews and classroom experience blogging. This blog is stuffed to the brim with ideas for encouraging students to read, and is parter of the larger Education Week website, a great resource for teachers.

Best Education Blogs Written by Students

These blogs are written by the students who benefit from our educational system. Insight from students can help other students get through tough times or locate the links and other tools they need to get through their own coursework.

  1. Civil War Sallie - A student of history and the Civil War, Sallie Ann is actually a stuffed bear who makes the rounds of various Civil War sites and offers lessons to other students of history on major events of the Civil War. This is a really unique way to study American history, through the eyes of a Teddy Bear.
  2. Moo - This wordless photoblog is a great way to relax during a study session.
  3. Allison's Blog - We don't see many middle school student blogs, and Allison's Blog is a shining example of what young students can contribute to the world of blogging.
  4. Pestorekat's Blog - Another middle school student blog, this one focusing on physical education in Australia.
  5. Gamer's Spot - A student blog written mostly about gaming and video game news. Proof that not every student blog has to be about education or school.
  6. Chemistry: It's "Element"art - The blog of a chemistry and physics student focusing on the trials and tribulations of upper-level study in the sciences.
  7. Haley's Life - A blog written by 11 year old Thai student Haley, students from America will find it interesting to read about the school system in Asia.
  8. Dominique Loves to Read - The adventures of a high school student. This blog focuses mainly on foreign language education and the reading life of an American high school student.
  9. Defying Gravity - The blog of a Scottish medical student. No longer updated, this blog remains an interesting look at the life of a medical student in the United Kingdom.
  10. Creative Writing MFA Blog - An inside look at the life and studies of a student earning an MFA in creative writing.

Best Education Blogs Focused on College

A good portion of the education blogs are aimed at or focus on elementary and secondary education, but we don't want to leave out blogs focusing on higher education. Here are the ten best blogs dedicated to all things collegiate.

  1. Year One - Online for just over a year, Year One is dedicated to helping college students through that all-important first year of college education. Originally written as the daily adventures of first year college student Kate, Year One has continued as a blog resource for all first year students. Well-written and entertaining.
  2. Study Hacks - College student Cal Newport started Study Hacks while he was a PhD candidate at MIT. Now a full-time professor, Cal's Study Hacks blog helps college students study better, not harder, to achieve their studying goals.
  3. Happy Schools Blog - A blog aimed at current undergraduate and future graduate students from the International community applying to American colleges, Happy Schools Blog is designed to help foreign college students prepare for the transition from a bachelor's degree to a master's degree. Topics covered include American college admissions, applying for a green card, and dealing with culture shock.
  4. OpenCulture - Less an educational blog than a cultural blog aimed for today's college students, OpenCulture links items that will be of interest to college age students in America and around the world. Regularly updated with links and advice and other resources, OpenCulture is one of the more content-heavy college educational blogs.
  5. HackCollege - Online and regularly updated since the middle of 2006, HackCollege is stuffed with content related to success in college in America. There's advice on everything from where and how to buy textbooks to keeping your college apartment clean, dealing with roommates, and preparing for grad school.
  6. DormDelicious - There are other things to worry about besides college classes and studying while you're at university--this blog offers ideas for dorm room decorating, cooking, and dorm life on a shoestring college student budget.
  7. College Media Matters - Stuffed with the latest news about campus media, College Media Matters is a resource for students involved in any form of college media, from college radio to student newspapers. College media is a big part of every college student's life, whether or not they write for the paper or work as a DJ for the local NPR station. A recent post about the issue of charging college students for student media is provocative and engaging.
  8. Great College Advice - A handy college admissions FAQ, multiple categories full of unique content, and free how to and educational videos makes Great College Advice a must bookmark for current and future college students.
  9. Going to Seminary - This site focuses on the college life of seminarians. There are hundreds of thousands of college age students attending seminaries around the world, and this site is the most popular and largest resource and link collection concerning their interests. Lots of great advice for seminarians here.
  10. My College Guide - An active "Ask the Guru" section and plenty of advice articles for college students makes My College Guide at least as useful as your campus course catalog. Especially interesting to students who need financial aid, the blog at My College Guide helps steer students through the difficulties of college life.

Best Education Blogs Focused on Graduate School

After a bachelor's degree, many students go on to post-graduate education. Master's degrees, JD, and PhD degree studies come with their own set of rewards and hardships, and these ten blogs give an inside look at the post-graduate experience.

  1. Adventures in Gradland - Grad student life in all its glories and difficulties is presented here, including details on making ends meet and learning to speak Academese.
  2. MakeUseOf - Graduate students will find this guide to the worlds of tech, entertainment, and higher education handy for all aspects of grad school life.
  3. PhDNet - Offering grad students advice on all levels of post-graduate study, PhDNet answers all the tough questions about graduate student life.
  4. War Historian Blog - Written by a professor of upper level reasearch into military history, War Historian Blog is a look at the plusses and minuses of studying military history at the post-graduate level.
  5. MudPhudder - MudPhudder is a blog about medical academic studies, useful for students of any post-graduate medical program.
  6. Poetry at Princeton - A guide to the ins and outs of the Poetry program and poetry events at Princeton, Poetry at Princeton is also helpful as a look at what post-graduate studies in Literature and Creative Writing are like.
  7. Ramblings of a Graduate Student - A grad student in a graduate program in Meteorology shares his thoughts on weather, graduate school, and life.
  8. Wharton MBA for Executives - A student's take on the popular Wharton MBA program for graduate students at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
  9. Leiter Reports - A former graduate student in Philosophy shares what life is like for students pursuing a post-graduate degree in Philosophy.
  10. Dissertation Diva - A practical guide to pushing your way through the difficult task of writing a PhD dissertation written by a student who has been there before.

Best Library and Research Blogs

These blogs are mostly written by librarians working both in and outside the school system. These blogs cover the ins and outs of library science and research.

  1. Deep Thinking - Blogging actively since 2005, this Tennessee public school librarian writes passionately about issues like censorship and the need for more advocacy for public school libraries. The frequent blog posts on hot topic books and censorship issues are some of the best library writing online. Particularly good was a series of posts she made about a book detailing the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, which she ultimately decided to place in the stacks because she's so afraid of censorship.
  2. Free Range Librarian - K.G.Schneider, a well-known essayist and librarian in her own right, writes often and well about issues affecting librarians all over the world. Whether she's talking about the tough job market for librarians (" you are probably crying in your beer, wondering why you didn’t get a degree in something practical and career-oriented, like medieval cookery . . .") or local restaurants ("shrimp and grits done to perfection"), you're drawn in by her casual but intelligent writing style.
  3. Hey Jude, Learning in an Online World - An awesome slideshow presentation about Web 3.0 brought me to this blog recently for the first time. What kept me coming back? A well-organized and unique A-Z toolkit for educators and students. The writing is clear and concise, and the content always original and robust. This is one librarian blogger with a passion for technology and the Internet.
  4. Meredith Farkas' Information Wants to Be Free - This self-described "librarian, techie, teacher, writer, and mother" living in Portland writes lengthy blog posts on everything related to libraries and education. Recent blog topics include how to deal with criticism, creating change in the workplace, and and a totally entertaining "day in the life of a librarian" feature which we can only hope will continue.
  5. Jessamyn West's - Her slogan is "putting the rarin back in librarian since 1999." Recently affected by the flooding in Vermont post Hurricane Irene, Jessamyn West's concern on her blog has been more for the world of libraries than for her personal safety or her home. Fascinating blogging on everything from day to day library operations to how the census affects your local library. A brainy and fun blog for anyone who has ever checked out a book.
  6. Tasty Research - Written by a PhD candidate in information science at the University of Washington, Tasty Research is a grab bag of awesome. One post may be about new tech innovations (such as the recent blog post about a student's invention of a "blow interface" for a laptop) while the next post is about the intricacies of spam networks. Easy on the eyes, if a little plain-Jane, Tasty Research is a research oriented blog I check out on a weekly basis.
  7. Research Buzz - Online since 1998, Research Buzz is one of the old men of the research blogging world. Topics are too diverse to be reigned in, but usually include research news, tech reviews, digital archiving, and online museum stories. Great links here going back twelve or thirteen years, and a must-bookmark resource for students involved in online research.
  8. Panlibus Blog - The blog of library-tech magazine Panlibus (there's a niche for you), Panlibus Blog covers the world of tech as it applies to libraries and library science.
  9. Libraries Interact - The most interesting aspect of this libraries blog is the huge collection of resources and links to other library and research sites. There's a regularly updated feature at Libraries Interact where the blog author points out some of the more interesting library blogging around the Internet. This blogger also participates in the Day in the Life of a Librarian project every year, providing an interesting look at the ins and outs of library life.
  10. Library Stuff - A library and research blog focusing on professional development, Library Stuff is run by a librarian who goes by "Steven." Steven is a Twitter hound, with regular Twitter updates and links to other news of interest to libraries and librarians.

Best Technology for Teachers Blogs

Most of these blogs are written by professional educators seemingly obsessed with using the latest in technology and gadgets in the classroom. Check these blogs out for the heartaches and joys of incorporating tech in a classroom setting.

  1. High Techpectations - A blog by an accomplished education consultant, certified Google Teacher and Distinguished Apple Educator, High Techpectations is full of tech wisdom for educators in a wide variety of fields.
  2. Technology in the Clasroom - This blog is written by a lifelong teacher and technology coordinator for a large school district. News, links, and resources for teachers and tech fiends.
  3. Bionic Teaching - Covering media, design, culture, and technology, Bionic Teaching is written by a technology teacher and one-time alternative school instructor. This blogger, Tom, is also a Distinguished Apple Educator, and writes with a style that will draw you back to Bionic Teaching again and again. Irreverent, smart, and funny.
  4. Alan Levine's CogDogBlog - A snarky blog dedicated to educational technologies, web-based storytelling, photogrpahy, and links and resources for using technology in the classroom.
  5. Dangerously Irrelevant - K-12 educator and tech savvy Twitter junky Scott McLeod hosts this collection of news, education stories, and resources for educators and technology consultants.
  6. The Tech Savvy Educator - Calling itself "a practical guide to integrating technology in the classrom," this blog is much less conversational than most of those on this list, geared more towards providing solutions to tech problems in the world of teaching.
  7. Jeff Utecht's The Thinking Stick - Self-described "educator, consultant, and author" Jeff Utecht is a teacher who has taught technology integration around the world. Currently working in various International Schools in the Middle East, Utecht's blog is a fairly straightforward guide helping teachers incorporate tech and gadgets in their classrooms.
  8. Steve Dembo's Teach 42 - Here's another content-heavy blog by a former educator and current tech consultant. Steve Dembo is a former kindergarten teacher and school Director of Technology who runs Discovery Education’s Social Media Strategy and Online Community. Dembo describes himself as "one of the first to realize the power of blogging, podcasting, Twitter, and other Web 2.0 technologies" in education.
  9. Infomancy - Infomancy is defined as "the field of magic related to the conjuring of information from the chaos of the universe," and this blog lives up to that name. Dedicated to library and classroom technology, Infomancy is a stylish and well-written blog that I find myself fascinated by, even when I have no idea what the blogger is talking about.
  10. Will Richardson's Read. Write. Connect. Learn. - A former public school teacher and advocate for Web 2.0 tech in the classroom, Will Richardson's blog is content-heavy and well designed.

Best Online Education Blogs

More and more students from all grade levels are turning to online and distance learning. Even homeschooling takes place online, and it seems every college and university in the country incorporates some form of online education in their curriculum. Here are the ten best online education blogs.

  1. The Knowledge Tree - Not exactly a blog and not exactly an e-journal, The Knowledge Tree is put together by members of the Australian vocational education and training system to share resources and research about e-learning innovation and tactics. A good bookmark for e-learning administrators and students.
  2. Clive on Learning - A British blogger who works as an online learning administrator and teacher, Clive Shepherd has been blogging at Clive on Learning for nearly seven years, providing links and resources for all aspects of online learning.
  3. DigitalChalkie - An open hub for online educators to communicate across all online education boundaries. This is a good resource for online education students as well as teachers.
  4. Connectivism - This is another blog about online learning that's been around for years. Canadian blog Connectivism has been providing links, chatter, and resources for online education since early 2005 and continues to be a leader among online learning blogs.
  5. E Learning Queen - This online learning blog focuses on distance training and education. Awesome blogging about the psychological, social, and cultural factors involved in distance learning and online education, and an emphasis on technology in the classroom as well.
  6. Rapid E-Learning Blog - Not a great resource for online education students, Rapid E-Learning is all about the ins and outs of the online education business, aimed at developers of online learning technology.
  7. Free Tech for Teachers - This blog is jam packed with tools and tips for teachers who want to integrate technology with their online education courses. The site's blogger, Richard Byrne, is a multiple Edublog Award winner.
  8. Box of Tricks - Multiple 2009 EduBlog award winner Box of Tricks is a full-scale educational resource that also discusses the latest in tech news for teachers of distance learning and e-learning courses.
  9. Internet Time Blog - This blog defies categorization, but I place it in the list of the best online learning blogs because of its steady diet of online learning and distance learning resources. Come for the great links, stay for the variety of topics and smart writing style.
  10. Stephen's Web - Blogger Stephen Downes hosts this regularly updated blog featuring news, reviews, and discussions of all things related to distance and online learning. This tech-heavy blog contains all sorts of resources from online presentations to the latest news from Downes' field.

Learning Theory Blogs

These ten blogs are the best of the best in the field of learning theory and knowledge acquisition. These links are the brains of this list, put together by people who know all there is to know about how (and why) humans learn.

  1. blogs for learning - This is an online resource about instructional blogging. This blog gives students and instructors information and resources about the technical and educational aspects of classrom instruction in blogging.
  2. Alex Ragone's Learning blog - A blog about learning written by a blogger who works as a director of technology in a large school district.
  3. The Stingy Scholar - Want to know how to learn things for free online? Check out The Stingy Scholar. A recent post on learning languages for free online has me studying Spanish again at no cost.
  4. Random Walk in Learning - Part blog about e-learning, part blog about educational theory and language modelling, Random Walk in Learning is a fun to read resource for students and educators.
  5. McGee's Musings - A professor in a school of management has run this blog for more than ten years, and its full of lessons from the life of a person who thinks a lot about thinking.
  6. Learning Curves - A down to earth, easy to read, regularly updated blog on education and the nature of learning.
  7. Learnlets - Musings and ramblings on learning about learning, it doesn't get much more meta than this blog on learning theory.
  8. 2 Cents Worth - Advertising itself as "teaching and learning in the 21st century," 2 Cents Worth is blogger David Warlick's take on all forms of learning theory.
  9. Informal Learning Blog - Though this blog has closed, it is still one of the most robust and valuable resources about informal learning.
  10. AcademHack - A blog containing some tech tips but mostly ruminations on the intersection of the digital world and the world of academia.

Educational Specialty Blogs

Teachers specialize in a ton of different fields. These blogs are written from the perspectives of teachers working in niche markets in the educational world.

  1. Catalysts & Connections - A blog by and about music educators, Catalysts & Connections is more than just the ramblings of music teachers, it is also a collection of links and helpful tools for music educators.
  2. WisBlawg - Written by members of the University of Wisconsin Law Library, the WisBlawg is a handy resource for law students and educators.
  3. History Is Elementary - History and history education at all educational levels is the subject and scope of this history teacher's blog.
  4. Polar Science 2006 - This no longer updated blog is still a wonderful guide to the inner workings of a group of scientists and educators. A useful guide to setting up scientific research in the future.
  5. Neurologica Blog - Not written by or specifically about health teachers, this blog and resource list is nonetheless a great resource for those charged with teaching health to students.
  6. Law Professor Blogs - Links and other resources for and by law professors. An easy to read site designed to be easy to use at all levels of law education.
  7. Music Teacher's Helper - A blog stuffed with resources, tools, and anecdotes for music teachers at all grade levels.
  8. The Drama Teacher Blog - Theater teachers are on the decline thanks to limited funding and a focus on standardized testing. This blog gives the perspective of a theater teacher in Australia, and is entertaining and educational.
  9. Fairview PE - A blog about a specific physical education course in America, this site is a great guide for those new to the world of PE education.
  10. The Art of Teaching Science - Highlighting innovation and the use of technoloy in teaching the various sciences, The Art of Teaching Science is a regularly updated must-bookmark for teachers of science at any grade level.

Miscellaneous Education Blogs

The following ten blogs are some of the best online but defied categorization for one reason or another. These are some of the best blogs written by top notch bloggers in some educational field.

  1. Bridging Differences - Two bloggers, Diane Ravitch and Deborah Meier, are some of the smartest and best writers on the topic of education in America.
  2. Stories From School - A group of certified teachers share their stories about the problems of educational policy, curriculum, and standardized testing.
  3. The Quick and the Ed - Education Sector, a think tank for all things related to education, is always ready to provide an unusual perspective on the latest education news and policy reports.
  4. Eduoptimists - Two bloggers, one a professor of education and one a director of education policy take a long hard look at schools, education, and empowering students through technology.
  5. Assorted Stuff - The blogger at Assorted Stuff is a Fairfax County schools technology worker who doesn't mind sharing his real opinion of this country's educational system.
  6. Charter Insights - This Colorado blogger shares news and opinions on the Charter school system in America.
  7. The Line - 7th grade teacher Dina Strasser is a great blogger, a wonderful writer, and the perfect microscope through which to take a hard look at the American educational system.
  8. GFBrandenburg's Blog - A blogger outside the educational system stuffs his critical blogs with statistics and unique reporting on problems in American education.
  9. My Bellringers - A teacher from Texas shares her insights and tales from the classroom. Always hilarious and informative.
  10. Public School Insights - The Learning First Alliance, a group of school districts from around the country, puts together this blog about topics of concern for educators around the country and around the world.

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