Free Science Classes

Internet Science Courses

Free College Classes Online



Free science classes cover a vast range of subjects, from the biology and ecology to higher mathemetics and astrophysics. The full range of course material is so broad, I might be hard-pressed to offer a survey of the online college courses you can take free of charge. At the bottom of this page, I'll include links to college science departments which offer university-level classes at no fee. You'll be surprised how many scientific and technology courses you can take for free.

Free Science ClassesQuantum Mechanics is a subject I've read about time and again (in novice books) and I still understand only vaguely. If you want not only an understanding of the basic precepts, techniques, and results of quantum mechanics, but also to be able to teach the theory of quantum physics, you can take this free online college course from Utah State University. The course promises to give you the fundamentals, allow you to comprehend its main applications, and teach yourself any other material related to quantum mechanics you might encounter in the future.

Utah State University Free Science Courses

In fact, USU has a large number of free college science courses that a person can study. Beyond the classes listed below, you can take multiple electrical engineering, computer engineering, and agricultural science courses. Biology and computer seem to dominate their scientific course load, but you should view the list below as a sample of what all you can study online at the USU site.

  • Principles and Practices of Technology
  • General Ecology
  • Biochemical Engineering
  • Science of Sound
  • Stochastic Processes

MIT OpenCourseWork Science Classes

Since MIT may have the best free distance learning program in the country, it's only natural that a list of free science classes is going to be dominated by Internet courses from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Einstein, Oppenheimer, Feynman: Physics in the 20th Century gives you a grounding in the strange world of modern physics. Einstein created a seismic shift in human thinking, because we learned that common sense isn't always right and everything we perceive, including the passage of time and the geometry of space, is relative to motion. Quantum mechanics came a few years later and made even many physicists scratch their heads, while Oppenheimer and the scientists of the Manhattan Project saw to it that science not only puzzled us, but terrified us. Students of this class get to cover all of this and more, covering everything form high-energy physics to cosmology.

If Relativity particularly interests you, then you can take a whole course from MIT on the subject of relativistic effects, paradoxes, and the Lorentz transformation. You'll also learn about some general relativity concepts, such as black holes.

Quantum Physics I opens the doorway into the quantum world, including discussions of wave mechanics and Schrodinger's Equation both in 1 dimension and 3 dimensions. You can also take Quantum Physics II and III, along with a physics lab combined for QP I and II.

The Coming Years is a wide-ranging study of the coming changes in science and society, technology and culture. Explore the dominant paradigms of our time and see where science and lifestyle intersect. The Coming Years is a fascinating glimpse into the possible scientific revolutions and technological innovations of the coming generation. Since this science and technology is speculative, the Coming Years is more about possibilities and spurring open-mindedness than setting out doctrine. Had someone imagined Albert Einstein would revolutionize physics with his theories of Special Relativity and General Relativity, those people would have been the revolutionary thinkers, so not even the smartest physics professor can predict the next few years, but it's interesting to speculate about.

The Early Universe spends half of the course exploring the Big Bang Theory and how it was developed, while the second half of the course discusses more recent particle theory.

Free MIT Science Classes

The above classes I pointed out are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to free MIT college courses through the Open-Coursework Program. You'll find whole fields of classes you can take that will keep you studying science for years.

  • Free MIT Biology Courses
  • Free MIT Chemistry Courses
  • Free MIT Earth Science Classes
  • Free MIT Mathematics Courses
  • Free MIT Physics Studies
  • Free Harvard-MIT Health Sciences
  • Free MIT Cognitive Science Classes
  • Free MIT Life Sciences Departments

You could spend a lifetime studying MIT Open Coursework for free. If you have an interest in any aspect of science or technology, but you don't have the money to enroll in a university, you can go study free MIT courses to stimulate your brain and increase your understanding of the world around you.