Free Economics ClassesInternet Courses in Economics Online |
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ArticlesCareersEconomics classes prepare you to study a wide range of career fields and academic subjects, including business skills, management, statistics, and social science. The following economics courses introduce you to a broad range of economic issues, the basic concepts of the world economy, and how contemporary economic concerns are shaping the international picture. You'll learn about the information economy and how it affects lives in the 21st century, as well as the transforming situation in the European Union. Finally, you can study specific economic theories, macroeconomics, and interdisciplinary subjects like chaos theory. Economic History is a full survey of world economic history, with a specific focus on economic growth and labor markets. This course should provide you with long-range data and historical material to add perspective to your studies of current economies.
Capitalism and Its Critics is designed to give all the aspiring capitalists the other side of the arguments, or at least to familiarize them with the standard philosophical models of criticism for the capitalist model of economics. You'll study the theories and writing of Milton Friedman, Karl Marx, Joseph Schumpeter, Max Weber, John Kenneth Galbraith, and Ayn Rand and hopefully gain historical and philosophical perspective on some of the economic, political, and personal events gripping the world economy today. Living in the New Economy takes a look at the new service industry which globalization has wrought. You'll survey how information and communication has transformed the world economy, specifically how services and the information sector have replaced the traditional manufacturing sector. Your class will discuss these changes and ask the question "Is it really worth it?" The Relations of Work to Welfare studies current and historical "workfare" programs like FDR's New Deal to see how they affect people's lives and how they take into account the people in these programs. Of particular interest are cases of people participating in these programs, as well as dropping out of them. Two real-world examples will be used to highlight theories and show how work and welfare affect people in reality. Managing the European Economy After the Introduction of the Euro looks at macroeconomics with the European Union as its focus. Since its introduction to the international economy 12 years ago, the Euro has had a major impact on world currencies and economic activity across the borders of nations. This course studies the changes since 1999 and the challenges posed by the expanding size and economic strength of the European Union. Economic Applications of Game Theory is an analysis of conflict, competition, and cooperation as it works in game theory. To stay abreast in this free online college course, you'll need to be able to think mathematically, while also being familiar with basic probability theory and calculus. Intermediate Microeconomics is a prerequisite, while the professor specifically states that students need to be ready to work hard in this course. Economics Research and Communication is only for those economics students who want to become involved in original research on the topic. You'll use data sources, primary sources, and research methods to make conclusions about your research topic. Presentations, a term paper, and constructive criticism of other students' papers are expected. Macroeconomic Theory I is the study of economic growth. You'll study optimal control theory, dynamic programming, growth models under various market structures, competition, international trade, and institutions for economic development. |