Free Sales Classes

Internet Courses in Marketing

Free College Classes Online



Free sales classes train employees and managers alike to increase their understanding of marketing and sales in the marketplace. Whether you're a sales representative wanting to learn a little more about the art of making sales or you're a sales manager trying to find ways to motivate and train your sales force, you can find free online college courses which increase the scope and depth of your sales knowledge.

Sales and Marketing ClassesAmong the subjects I've found covered online include branding products, establishing a better understanding of your services with potential customers, and better ways to evaluate the salesmen and salespeople around your place of business. You can learn theories about ethical sales techniques or market-led sales organizations. If the coursework I included doesn't help you in your search for more information and better training, you can educate yourself over the Internet by finding audio and video material from the many iTunes lectures offered free of charge online.

Products, Services, and Branding is a study of how merchant organizations manage the services and products they market to the consumer demographics of a population. You'll discuss how new products are developed, while seeing how the existing list of products or services are managed on an ongoing basis. This course teaches a person how to maintain sales, while spurring new sales opportunities.

Creating an Ethical Organization inspects the trend among certain companies to approach business with a human-centred approach and whether ethical behavior brings more dividends. This course has a number of human resources aspects which students of that subject will find useful, but the sales manager is also likely to find this subject useful to study.

The Market Led Organization teaches about market orientation and going to market with your goods and services. The market-led organization teaches how to manage key internal relationships of your sales organization, while also focusing on the external relationships so important to your sales force and supply operation: customers, clients, and suppliers. Then there's the question of marketing itself: who do you aim your marketing techniques at?

Strategic View of Performance avoids the traditional top-down view of sales management and explores the accumulation of small tactical decisions which makes a sales force dynamic and focused. Let's face it: sales people measure themselves against one another and against their past performance. They are performance-based individuals already. But this course lets you study how a business works, design a new direction to strategic management, and build a winning strategy in the endless competition for sales.

Introduction to Microeconomics is a course from Utah State University about competitive and non-competitive markets and how (or if) these create more efficient business and consumer sector choices. You'll learn the role of each alternative, along with their limitations. Once you've finished this free online college course, you'll have a better understanding of how the marketplace works.

California Berkeley on iTunes

You can find finance, sales, and economic lectures from Cal-Berkeley Business, Economics, and Demography professors on iTunes. Most of the downloadable lectures are on the subject of economics. Professors and guest lecturers offered include J. Bradford Delong, Arnav Sheth, Steven A. Wood, Peter Berck, Yves Zenou, Gordon Rausser, Glenn A. Woroch, Ethan A. Ligon, Ronald D. Lee, Kenneth E. Train, and Daniel J. Acland. You can find online college courses for free on iTunes from many other universities, including Stanford, UC Irvine, Cambridge, and Open University, but the University of California Berkeley finance courses on iTunes are among the most substantial in the economic field.